Contact SEND Advice Surrey
Before contacting us, do you need information on the most popular topics:
Information on Education Health and Care needs assessment
If you still need our help you can:
Our normal office hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Please note that if you are a parent contacting us about a child in year 11 or above, we will need their consent to speak to you. This must be in writing and come from their own email address. Please speak to us if their additional needs make this difficult.
SEND Advice Surrey is a separate service to the area SEND teams at Surrey County Council.
If you wish to contact the area SEND teams please contact your case officer direct.
If you are unable to contact your Case Officer you can call the contact centre on 0300 200 1015 who will be able to arrange a call back for you within 2 working days. They can also answer questions on behalf of the Case Officer where relevant.
If your Case Officer does not make contact and you wish to escalate this you can contact their Senior Case Manager. The contact information for the Senior Case Manager can be obtained through the contact centre on 0300 200 1015.
Telephone us on 01737 737300 (24 hour answerphone).
You can also email us at
You can write to use at:
SEND Advice Surrey
Woodhatch Place
11 Cockshot Hill
RH2 8EF.