Hot topics for SEND Advice Surrey

Area SEND Teams at Surrey County Council

SEND Advice Surrey is a separate service to the area SEND teams at Surrey County Council.

If you wish to contact the areas SEND team please contact your case officer directly, or call 0300 200 1015 to arrange a call back.

Top 5 enquiries for the last month

Key Stage Transfer

We are receiving enquiries relating to school placements as part of the Key Stage Transfer. If you have now received your final EHCP stating a school that you are not in agreement with or just naming 'type' of setting, you should lodge an appeal. Details of how to do this are on our Appeals and Mediation page. We would encourage you to stay in regular contact with your Case Officer who should be managing this process but please do come to us if you need any support.

Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment

We are still seeing a large number of enquiries relating to EHC needs assessments. Information can be found on the Local Offer on the Ordinarily Available Provision that schools should be providing and what to do if this is not meeting the needs of your child. We also have information about how to make a request for a needs assessment.

Support at school/college

Information regarding support for your child can be found on our Special Educational Needs (SEN) support pages

Difficulty contacting Case Officers

All Case Officers should have a bounce email that shows who to contact if they are away from the office or if you wish to escalate an enquiry. If you don't receive this information, then please contact us and we can support you to find who to speak to.

Draft EHCP

Guidance on how to check the draft EHCP and what to check for can be found on our YouTube channel.

IPSEA have guidance on their website as well as an explanation of the sections of the EHCP and an EHCP checklist.

Improvements to the website

We have been hard at work improving our website. We still have a lot to do but if you have any comments on any of our pages then please do contact us.

Other services that may be able to help

If you have any worries about a child/young person's wellbeing then please contact:

  • C-SPA (Children's Single Point of Access) by telephone 0300 470 9100 or email
  • Or dial 999 if they are at risk of immediate harm.