Appeals and mediation


You can appeal to the SEND Tribunal if you disagree with a decision that Surrey County Council (SCC) has made about your/your child's Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs or plan.

You can appeal if you do not agree with the EHC plan that SCC has made, or if they:

  • refuse to carry out an EHC assessment or reassessment
  • refuse to create an EHC plan after carrying out an assessment or reassessment
  • refuse to change the sections of an existing EHC plan which are about education (sections B, F and I)
  • decide you or your child does not need an EHC plan any more.

There are no fees for parents or young people to pay to register an appeal. Some parents/young people may be entitled to free legal support (Legal Aid). Visit GOV.UK to check if you are eligible or to find a legal aid advisor.

You may hear SEND Tribunal (SENDIST) being called First Tier Tribunal (GOV.UK). They also handle appeals against schools or local authorities for discriminating based on a child or young person's disability, and hold the power to make recommendations about health and social care issues.