Post 14
Year 9 annual review - preparation for adulthood
Young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's) can be supported up until the age of 25, well beyond compulsory school age, as long as they are in some form of education or training.
Annual Reviews (AR's) are an opportunity for the child or young person to discuss with their family, school or college, and the Local Authority (LA), what they would like to achieve as they grow up. The aim of this is for young people with additional needs to be supported towards greater independence and employability. See our specific page for more detail on year 9 annual reviews.
Education entitlement for post 14
Guidance on five-day packages of provision for young people
Where young people have EHCPs, local authorities should consider the need to provide a full package of provision and support across education, health and care that covers five days a week, where that is appropriate to meet the young person's needs…
Five-day packages of provision and support do not have to be at one provider and could involve amounts of time at different providers and in different settings. It may include periods outside education institutions with appropriate support, including time and support for independent study. A package of provision can include non-educational activities such as:
- volunteering or community participation
- work experience
- opportunities that will equip young people with the skills they need to make a successful transition to adulthood, such as independent travel training, and/or skills for living in semi-supported or independent accommodation, and
- training to enable a young person to develop and maintain friendships and/or support them to access facilities in the local community.
It can also include health and care related activities such as physiotherapy. Full-time packages of provision and support set out in the EHCP should include any time young people need to access support for their health and social care needs.
Paragraphs 8.39 and 8.40 of the SEN and Disability Code of Practice
Further information on the right to a full-time package of provision can be found on the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice (IPSEA) website
Useful links
- Preparing for adulthood guide - Surrey Local Offer.
- Moving from children social care to adult social care (
- Surrey County Council's transition team
- Post 16 transport (
- Surrey Choices (