Post 14
Year 9 annual review - preparation for adulthood
Young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's) can be supported up until the age of 25, well beyond compulsory school age, as long as they are in some form of education or training.
Annual Reviews (AR's) are an opportunity for the child or young person to discuss with their family, school or college, and the Local Authority (LA), what they would like to achieve as they grow up. The aim of this is for young people with additional needs to be supported towards greater independence and employability. See our specific page for more detail on year 9 annual reviews.
Education entitlement for post 14
Guidance on five-day packages of provision for young people
Where young people have EHCPs, local authorities should consider the need to provide a full package of provision and support across education, health and care that covers five days a week, where that is appropriate to meet the young person's needs…
Five-day packages of provision and support do not have to be at one provider and could involve amounts of time at different providers and in different settings. It may include periods outside education institutions with appropriate support, including time and support for independent study. A package of provision can include non-educational activities such as:
- volunteering or community participation
- work experience
- opportunities that will equip young people with the skills they need to make a successful transition to adulthood, such as independent travel training, and/or skills for living in semi-supported or independent accommodation, and
- training to enable a young person to develop and maintain friendships and/or support them to access facilities in the local community.
It can also include health and care related activities such as physiotherapy. Full-time packages of provision and support set out in the EHCP should include any time young people need to access support for their health and social care needs.
Paragraphs 8.39 and 8.40 of the SEN and Disability Code of Practice
Further information on the right to a full-time package of provision can be found on the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice (IPSEA) website
Useful links
- Preparing for adulthood guide - Surrey Local Offer.
- Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools and Resources - National Development team for inclusion (NDTi)
- Moving from children social care to adult social care (
- Surrey County Council's transition team
- Post 16 transport (
- Surrey Choices (
- Time to talk next steps - National Development team for inclusion (NDTi)
Family Voice's video on preparing for adulthood and Post 16
Targeted Youth Support
Targeted Youth Support (TYS) works with young people who require support for a variety of needs, in different areas of their life. We hope that by working with you and your child we can provide support towards positive changes at home, school or in the community.
You will have been contacted from our colleagues from the Children's Single Point of Access as they will have received a 'request for support' for your child from their school, health services, community safety/police or another local agency. As a part of the conversation they will have requested your consent to pass the 'request for support' to TYS.
We will start by meeting with you to understand what is going on and to undertake an assessment with you to identify your needs and develop a Family Action Plan. This is your plan and is designed to meet your specific needs.
We will also work alongside other services who have a role in supporting your child. For example; your child's school, education services, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Housing, Substance Misuse Services and health. These services make up what we call a 'Team around the Family'. The 'team' will meet together every couple of months to check out how we are progressing with your family action plan and to make sure that these services are also doing what they said they would do to support you.
We will have 1 to 1 meetings with your child every 2 weeks and usually more at the beginning of our work with you. Our work is based on getting to know you and supporting you in the best way possible and we can only do this by meeting with you regularly.
As a part of our meetings and included in the plan we will offer tailored support that looks at the specific issues that you and your family are experiencing. This list below gives an idea of some of the areas we can include in the plan;
Managing feelings and emotions, building positive family relationships, support with attending education/training, self-esteem and confidence, healthy relationships, peer influence and decision making, support for emerging mental health needs (for example, anxiety, low mood, self-harm) substance misuse education, understanding identity and diversity, exploitation awareness/prevention, online safety, preventing criminal/anti-social behaviours, support for parenting teenagers (1 to 1 and group programmes).
Young people need to consent to working with TYS. It is important that you speak to your child, to let them know what you are worried about and how you think we can help. We ask that families work with us as this is the only way that we can achieve positive change. We help you to identify what you need to be different and support you to achieve that we ask that you are open to participating in this process.
While we are able to offer a broad range of support tailored to you and your child there are some areas that we do not cover, but we are able to put you in contact with local services that can provide this support. Detailed below are some of the services that are provided by our partners that we can refer you to.
- Mentoring Support; Surrey Care Trust and East Surrey YMCA provide mentoring support across the county and we can support you in making a referral to this service.
- Activity Provision; We have access to a wide range of local activity resource and can support you to access these where appropriate
- Respite Services; If you need this support then we can put you in touch with the right people to explore your options.
- Financial assistance; Citizens Advice Bureau will be able to help with that.
- Family breakdowns or custody hearings – CAFCASS will support you and your family with support for families learning to co-parent, and reports for Court.
We will set up a series of 1 to 1 appointments with you and your child. If you need to re-arrange the appointment, please give us as much notice as possible. If you or your child miss 2 appointments in a row, or continually re-arrange appointments we will have a conversation with you to understand the type of support that you do need and then we will support you to access these services.
Our support will end when we have worked with you to complete the family action plan we have developed with you. Alternatively, if you need ongoing support we will help you to access other services. For example this could be local mentoring support, activity provision or more specialist support provided by Surrey's Children Services and its partners We will help you with this move by arranging a meeting with you, us and your new service and make sure you know who your new workers are and how to contact them. You are of course able to end the support you receive from TYS at any time before this if you no longer want our help.
Confidentiality and information sharing
We have included in this pack further guidance of how we manage the information you give us. If for any reason you do not wish to share any information with other agencies working with you, then please let us know.
We ask you to sign the Confidentiality Paperwork to say if you agree or if you do not agree to us sharing information with certain agencies.
We hope that this guide has helped you understand how Targeted Youth Support will help you and your child and we look forward to working with you. In the meantime if you have any questions then please talk to your TYS practitioner.
Useful numbers
- Mental Health: If you are worried about yourself, a friend, or your child or young person, please call our 24/7 mental health crisis line free on 0800 915 4644.
- Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC): 0300 130 3038
- Childline: 0800 1111
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC): 0808 8005000
- Surrey Children Service's Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) 01483 517898.